Saturday, 17 March 2007

Unconscious Mutterings

1: Contribution : " the little box"
2: Ryan : Schoppe (hehee ^_^)
3: Minimal : -ist
4: Cleansed : and moisturised
5: Centered : grounded
6: Arrow : "Me and my..."
7: Beyond : compare
8: Execute : program
9: Intuition : compassion
10: Apology : accepted

~ posted by Anna @ 7:05 pm

A Rainy Saturday Afternoon
Why does the word 'tiddlywinks' immediately conjure up a vivid memory of their flavour?

Hereby proving that those "Not suitable for children under the age of..." warnings on toys are, um, necessary. Glad I never choked.

~ posted by Anna @ 3:09 pm