Tuesday, 15 March 2005

A handful of blessings
With the return of our usual staff, and new staff members on the rosters, there's now an opportunity for my Friday shift to be shortened from eleven-til-seven to ten-til-five. Yay! I'm sew heppeh!

Aaaand... guess what! I got my first jewellery commission today. Tehehe ;P ^_^
Annabelle liked the earrings I'm wearing and wants a pair made, with a slight difference in colour. How wonderful - and it's a good excuse to go to the bead shop again. >:)

I was grumpy and growly all morning and some of the afternoon, but by the end of my shift it was all fixable with a bit of laughter. I even managed to be friendly and ultra-helpful to the most crotchety charming old bag old lady who shops at our supermarket. Aren't I good?

~ posted by Anna @ 5:57 pm

Sunday, 13 March 2005

Heeere we go...

Earrings: blue foil-lined copper-swirly glass beads and faceted lead crystal beads, bound with silver wire

Earrings: citrine chips on silver pins

Pendant: howlite 'doughnut' hung on silver wire

Earrings: large howlite beads and small green aventurine beads on loops of silver wire

Bracelet: oval iolite beads made into links with silver wire

Earrings: rainbow coloured glass beads (various shapes) on silver pins

Choker: rainbow coloured glass beads and clear spacer beads on silver wire with a central spiral of wire

Earrings: rosy-hued marble-like glass beads hung within a loop of silver wire

:) :] :> :D

~ posted by Anna @ 10:00 pm

Saturday, 12 March 2005

Bring it on
Autumnal weather, ahhh... I cannot get enough of it. Makes me want to order more new clothes than I can afford. But I'd never do that, would I? Heh heh heh.

Lookee! I rock ;P

~ posted by Anna @ 11:22 am