Saturday, 16 October 2004
Don't Give Your Goals To The Trolls.
This (that title up there above) is an important saying taught to me by my mother.
You can tell them what you've enjoyed, but don't tell them what you miss.
You can tell them what you've done, but don't tell them what you mean to do.
They'll always find a way to trivialise what you loved the most and undermine your dreams.
(Even worse than what you might do to yourself, that is.)
The people you meet who do NOT end up doing this are the ones you may dare to call "friends".
I have very few actual friends.
I realise that, by saying this, I am leaving myself open to trolls. But in being perfectly honest with oneself, this is occasionally necessary.
Fuck you, trolls.
P.S. The signs on the trolley stands outside my workplace state (roughly) "We will not be held responsible for damage caused to cars by trollies."
Every time I read these signs, I feel like scratching out the 'ie' in 'trollies'. It would make the signs much funnier. But since I work there, I worry about whether or not I would be caught. *sigh*
~ posted by Anna @ 9:09 pm