Thursday, 26 August 2004

Note to self...
...Do not eat chocolate, however European and hazelnutty it appears, at the end of a long day. It will fudge up your digestion.

Also: Australian boxed wine is the best, no matter how expensive. (How sad is that to admit? [Not only that I drink boxed wine, but that New Zealand's many varieties are crap in comparison.])

Dinner calls, and a film I've never seen before.


~ posted by Anna @ 10:36 pm

Wednesday, 25 August 2004

Farscape Three! Fiddle-dee-dee!

~ posted by Anna @ 5:38 pm

Thursday, 19 August 2004

Doze. To Venus And Back. Wake. Head clear. Rain. Cinnamon bagel. Avocado toast. Out. Avalon. Grandfolks. Snobby Siamese. Downtown. Biting wind. Supermarket. Efficient. Grandfolks home. Pa's new scooter. Out. Great-aunt. Parsley. Silverbeet. Daffodils. Rain-damp freesias. Latte. Downtown. Mall. Body Shop. Moisturiser. Supermarket. Nachos. Stokes Valley. Milk tokens. Vegetables. Cat food. Home. Rest. Uniform. Work. Late. Grumpy customer. No change. Crowded. Rush. Grumpy me. Trainee. Slowing. Break. Cheese scone. Apple. Checkouts. Quiet. Staff room. Dishwashing. Checkouts. Boring. Quiet. Boring. Sore feet. Office. Counting. Clock out. Downstairs. Upstairs. Locker. Handbag. Downstairs. Outside. Homewards. Relax(?). Drinkety. Feet up. Music. Sailor Moon game. Reheat food. Sore feet. Shower. Bed. Book. Sleep.

~ posted by Anna @ 10:05 pm

Sunday, 1 August 2004

I really ought to go to sleep.
But I thought I'd just tell you of my day off... the highlight of which was some bike practice (that shall be known as Scooter Dressage) partaken within the carpark and surrounds of a mostly abandoned polytech campus in Upper Hutt. An excellent place for this activity, of which we have apparently seen only a small part, according to a man with a van doing some business of his own on site. Perhaps next weekend will yield some more fun hooning about, loop-de-loops and figure-eights and whatnot.


~ posted by Anna @ 11:12 pm